Recent episodes

S1E13 - Panic at La fête de l’Huma!

We hang out with Anne-Sophie at the communist festival La fête de l’Huma, near Paris. Anne-Sophie tells us all about 'The Festival of Humanity' and one year when she narrowly averted a disaster whilst volunteering on a snack bar. Follow this link that will guide you to our special survey.:  Merci !

S1E12 - Heartbreak, Fries and Belgian Beer

We meet Hugo and his friends in Belgium, and have a wild night out in the capital. Join Hugo at a bar on La place Flagey, where he meets friends for a Belgian-beer-fuelled misadventure on the nocturnal streets of Brussels. Follow this link that will guide you to our special survey.:  Merci !

S1E12 - Story Only: Heartbreak, Fries and Belgian Beer

Listen to Hugo's story about a wild night out in Belgian's capital city, Brussels.