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Talking on the Job in the subject line. And, as Mira said, we’re getting close to the opening of Café Damascus! Find out in the next episode how she managed to finalize those last details and get everything ready to go! I’ll see you there.
Idioms and Colloquial Expressions -
No worries: It’s not important
To “get” something: To understand something
Don’t get bent out of shape: Don’t get upset or stressed out
To kill two birds with one stone: To achieve two things with one action
You’ve hit the nail on the head: You’ve got it exactly right!
To cut corners: To do something poorly, in order to save money and time
Break a leg: Good luck!
Tips for learning idioms and colloquial expressions
1. Ask someone to explain
2. Write them down
3. Try to use them yourself
21 American English Phrases That Are, Like, Totally Useful To Know