Ted: Ok, so Maren’s dad really doesn’t like it when anything is dirty, dreckig. Wearing shoes in the house is a big no-no for him, and he even checks to make sure the silverware in restaurants is clean, sauber, before he eats. But why is Maren talking about this? Well, just keep it in mind for later. So, one summer, Gaby invited Maren’s family over for a barbecue, or Grillparty, in her Schrebergarten. And what is a Schrebergarten? Well, they’re small areas of land in the city that are set aside and divided into plots. People can rent these plots and use them to grow flowers, veggies, or to just hang out close to nature in the summer. They were really typical in East Berlin, and they’re still very popular today. If you ever make it to Berlin, you’re bound to see at least one – there are almost 850 Schrebergarten complexes all over the city! In Gaby’s garden there was a little lawn, flowers, berries, and a tiny little house with a kitchen, but… no hot water.