Ted: Our next story also has to do with heat, but with a more positive spin! A small village in northeastern Germany will be switching to a renewable heat source this winter. Forest owner Heiner von der Osten-Sacken has offered all households to connect them to his wood chip heating system, “sie an seine Holzhackschnitzelheizung anzubinden”. This small-scale network is called “Nahwärmenetz”, or ‘local heat network’ because it only includes about 50 households. Von der Osten-Sacken, a descendent of a Baltic noble family, “Nachfahre einer baltischen Adelsfamilie”, is happy to contribute to the fight against climate change, and to help others do the same. The mayor of the village is happy too, not least because the heating material is virtually around the corner, “das Heizmaterial liegt quasi um die Ecke”, or “umme Ecke”, as he says. The plan is for the customers of the local heat network, “die Abnehmer des Nahwärmenetzes”, to pay 12 cents per kilowatt hour, a price well below the national average. If all goes well, the boilers can be fired up in October.