Ted: If you’re a Trekkie, you likely already heard the sad news in late July: actor Nichelle Nichols, who caused a sensation as Lieutenant Uhura, died a natural death, “ist […] eines natürlichen Todes gestorben”, at age 89. Her family announced that “ein großes Licht am Firmament”, a great light in the firmament, no longer shines. Nichols was a shining example, “ein leuchtendes Vorbild”, for the American civil rights movement. In fact, Dr. Martin Luther King was so impressed by a Black woman playing a leading crew-member of The Enterprise that he convinced her not to quit after the first season, “nicht nach der ersten Staffel auszusteigen.” NASA even hired her as a recruiter, “als Anwerberin”, after she criticized obstacles, or “Hürden”, for women and members of minority groups in joining the space agency.