Here is some of the vocabulary from the first story. First up is “amateur”, someone who takes part in an activity or sport for fun, without receiving money for it. Next, we have the verb “to challenge something”, which means doing something to show that you question or don't agree with an idea. See if you can hear what our race driver is challenging! Then, there’s the phrase “on an equal footing”, which is when everyone has an equal chance. After that, there’s “an old adage”, a well-known phrase that expresses something generally thought to be true. Close to the end of the story you’ll hear “perseverance”, which is when you make an effort to do or achieve something, even if it is difficult or takes a long time. For example, with “perseverance”, you'll master English! As usual, if you come across any other words that are new for you, look them up in a dictionary later. And with that, let’s hear the first story!